ensuring knowledge, enhancing quality
A 'not-for-profit' organisation, run for pharmaceutical analysts by pharmaceutical analysts

JPAG has over 1,500 members worldwide and is jointly sponsored by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry. Its remit is "to encourage, assist and extend the knowledge and study of pharmaceutical analysis and quality control by the holding of scientific meetings, the promotion of lectures, practical demonstrations and discussions".

The Group is very active and organises up to eight meetings a year addressing all aspects of pharmaceutical analysis and many related facets of medicine control and registration. One meeting every year is allotted for Short Papers, with prizes awarded for the best presentations by less experienced analysts. Some meetings are held in collaboration with other RSC interest groups and other organisations. Since 1998, minisymposia and Short Papers sessions have been included within an annual national conference, originally the British Pharmaceutical Conference and latterly the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences PharmSci Conference.

JPAG is very proud of its involvement with both of its sponsoring professional bodies. JPAG maintains strong links with the industrial, academic and enforcement sectors which is why it can develop topical and relevant programmes for you.


The origin of JPAG may be traced from a series of informal seminars in the 1960s mounted by the Science Committee (pharmaceutical analysis) of the (then) Pharmaceutical Society. At each of these seminars, an invited speaker would recount the 'state of the art' in a particular analytical technique - such as X-ray diffraction or atomic spectroscopy - or would review the scope and development of pharmaceutical control procedures; and then encourage a general discussion with the invited participants - senior analysts from the pharmaceutical industry, official laboratories and schools of pharmacy. From the evident enthusiasm shown at the seminars, and the eagerness of other pharmaceutical analysts to be invited, there was a demonstrated need for a more structured forum at which experienced practitioners might discuss all aspects of pharmaceutical analysis.

At a meeting called in October 1968 some ninety scientists resolved that "representatives of the Pharmaceutical Society and the Society for Analytical Chemistry be asked to explore the setting up of an organisation to forward the interests of pharmaceutical analysts and to promote all aspects of quality control". These two bodies were joined by the Royal Institute of Chemistry, which exercised an interest, inter alia, through its examining role for the FRIC/Branch E (Food & Drugs) (now the MChemA) qualification for Public Analysts and, jointly with the Pharmaceutical Society, in the MPharmA. In June 1969 the Pharmaceutical Journal reported the agreement to set up a "Pharmaceutical Analysis Group", with members of the three bodies eligible to join free of charge. Formal inauguration, with an enrolled membership of 380, followed on 1 January 1970. The first scientific meeting, held later that month at the BMA House, Tavistock Square, discussed the "role of the analyst in pharmaceutical control".



JPAG has a number of rules that govern its operation. These rules cover:
• Definition
• Sponsors
• Objects
• Membership
• Management Committee
• Scientific Meetings
• Special General Meeting
• Annual General Meeting
• Administration
• Finance

Read them here...

The Joint Pharmaceutical Analysis Group is managed by a Committee of Management

Officers for 2022-
Lisa Hinchliffe, Consultant

Immediate Past Chair:
Prof Laura Waters, Huddersfield University

Honorary Secretary:
Julie Rodgers, formerly GSK

Honorary Events Secretary:
Dr Andrew Chan, KCL

Honorary Finance Officer:
Mr Mark Santillo, Torbay NHS

JPAG Honorary Officers and Representatives

Joint Pharmaceutical Analysis Group 2025
Website © and by Delta Consultancy Services