ensuring knowledge, enhancing quality
A 'not-for-profit' organisation, run for pharmaceutical analysts by pharmaceutical analysts
Consultation on improving tests in BP monographs
As part of the British Pharmacopoeia's (BP) continued work to ensure their products and services remain relevant, easy to use and cost-effective, they are proposing changes to improve tests used in our monographs.

BP have prepared the following items for consultation, and we would like your views to pass on to them.


Here BP propose introducing LC/UV-DAD (Diode Array Detection), also known as photo-diode array (PDA) detection, as a routine identification test option in BP monographs.



Here BP propose introducing LC-PAD (Pulsed Amperometric Detection) in related substances and assay tests where UV detection is not suitable.


Expression of related substances limits

Here BP propose to begin the process of moving to fully numerical limits in LC and GC-related substances tests in BP monographs.


Each proposal includes specific consultation questions which we would like you to respond to by Thursday 23 September 2020.

Once you have completed your responses, post them here. If you prefer, you can email them to info@jpag.org

Your comments will be aggregated and used to inform the decisions that BP Commission members make on these proposals. Following these discussions, BP will publish final outcomes of the consultations and resulting decisions on their website.

Thank you for your input.

Joint Pharmaceutical Analysis Group 2025
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