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A 'not-for-profit' organisation, run for pharmaceutical analysts by pharmaceutical analysts

Welcome to the JPAG News page. We will continue to post items of news that we hope you will find both interesting and informative.

National Crystallography Service (NCS) call for applications
The National Crystallography Service (NCS) call for applications to use its services is now open! The next service period will run from 1st Jan – 30st Jun 2024 and the call will close on 22nd November at 23:00.

We are continuing to offer access to variable temperature, ENaCt, high pressure, gas cell and crystal sponge techniques. These techniques can also be accessed in a single application alongside other services and more information about them is available at the NCS here.

Applications for access to the National Electron Diffraction Facility are also open using the same route as all the other NCS services. This ‘first of its kind’ facility is providing cutting-edge capabilities to obtain single crystal structures from nanocrystals (powders and crystallites <1 micron). This period we are lifting the restriction of 1 sample / 1 shift per person. More information about the Electron Diffraction Facility, including the application process, can be found at here. For users who applied during the last period for 3DED access and are still waiting for us to reach out we will be in touch very soon.

To register your interest as a new user for the upcoming period, please email info@ncs.ac.uk and include your name, email address, and department/institution. After receiving your email, we will register you on our Portal2 system and send you a password reset. Once you are logged on you can submit a short application that includes some information about the project and expected use.

If you have any questions about the application process, the NCS facility, or anything else, please contact the team at info@ncs.ac.uk or visit here.

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Joint Pharmaceutical Analysis Group 2025
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