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JPAG Pharmaceutical Analysis Research Awards and Careers Fair 2022
It has been another very successful year for the Pharmaceutical Analysis Research Awards and Careers Symposium which was held on Tuesday. 22nd November 2022, the first held with a live audience since Covid-19. Over 100 delegates attended the meeting and heard two highly inspirational keynote lectures by Dr Tony Bristow, AstraZeneca, and by Professor Paul Thomas, Loughborough University.
There were also eight high-quality podium presentations by early career PhD and industrial researchers. In the Science Room at Burlington House were 22 posters, attended by the authors.
The winner of THE GEOFFREY PHILLIPS ANALYTICAL SCIENCE AWARD for the best podium presentation has been announced. The winner was Miss Georgina Armstrong, GSK, who gave her presentation on "Sequence engineering of monoclonal antibodies to reduce the viscosity of high concentration formulations; an in silico approach to viscosity predictions for IgG Fvs". Georgina received a certificate and a bursary of up to £1,000 to enable her to benefit from a relevant programme of personal professional development, and a further £100 donated by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
The highly commended podium award of £250 was made to Miss Lucy Durham, Pharmaron, for her presentation on "Method development for the detection and quantification of six nitrosamines from water-based rinsates by triple quadropole liquid chromatography mass spectroscopy".
The winner of the best poster award of £200 was Miss Phebie Watson, Liverpool John Moores University, for her presentation on "Evaluating attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared and near infrared spectroscopy for classifying M. musculus grave soil in the presence of clothing material".
Commended poster awards, each of £100 ,were made to Mr Ashraf Qasem, University of Bath, for his presentation on "The effect of position 1 substituent and configuration on APCI-MS fragmentation of norditerpenoid alkaloids" and to Mr Kyle Saunders, University of Surrey, for his presentation on “Optimisation and application of single cell lipidomics using nanocapillary sampling and mass spectrometry".
The awards were presented by Dr Amira Guirguis, JPAG who offered her congratulations to all of the 2022 award winners and thanks to all the presenters.

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