JPAG - PAST MEETINGSThursday 11th October 2018
Breaking down the barriers to widespread delivery of ATMPs
Royal Society of Chemistry, London
Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) are innovative and potentially life-changing treatments for patients. They are biological medicines incorporating gene therapies, somatic cellular therapies and tissue engineered medicines.
ATMPs now have become a real therapeutic option requiring NHS pharmacy and clinicians to be involved in the delivery of marketed medicines as well as of clinical trials.
Advanced Therapy Treatment Centres (ATTCs) have been set up to ensure that UK patients are able to access ATMPs and to ensure that the UK continues to be at the forefront of ATMP manufacture and clinical delivery.
The aim of this meeting is inform the audience about the ATMP journey from concept to commercialisation - looking at regulatory hot topics for both GMP and GCP, challenges to hospital implementation, the role of Pharmacy, the role of the ATTC, ways to address the QP expertise deficit and give a forum for networking and discussion.
This programme will appeal to Chief Pharmacists, Clinical Trials Pharmacy Managers, Hospital Research and Development, sponsors, QPs, and member of the ATMP Manufacturing Community.
NHS employees are entitled to a £50 discount from the member and non-member fees. Delegates should register using their NHS e-mail address. A discount code is required and can be obtained from or
This meeting is organised in association with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society.
Members of the RPS can register at the JPAG members' rate. Select the Member's rate at Registration.
Jacqueline Barry - Catapult
Anne Black - Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
David Caulfield - Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Prof Mark Lowdell - University College London
Anthea Mould - NIHR
Ian Rees - MHRA
Prof Nicola Stoner - Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Paula Walker - MHRA
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PAST MEETINGSSymposium - October 2011Delegates at a symposium held at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society