Tuesday 17th November 2020JPAG pharmaceutical analysis research awards 2020VIRTUAL EVENT : 1pm-4pm (UK BST)JPAG presents the fourth pharmaceutical analysis symposium for postgraduate students and early career stage scientists, including those in industry. This will provide the opportunity for delegates to showcase their work and network with peers, academics and industrial scientists through oral and poster presentations. There will be a £1,000 first prize and £250 second prize for the best oral presentations as well as £200 first prize and two runner-up prizes of £100 for the best posters.
Registration is free for all students, early career stage scientists and their supervisors/managers, but we highly encourage students and early career stage scientists delegates to submit an abstract for poster or oral presentation to this exciting annual JPAG event.
The deadline for submission of abstracts has now passed This could be the event to provide a step-change to your professional career. Perhaps your future employer will be here.
Due to the fallout from Covid-19, this year, the event will be held on a online platform.
Keynote speaker: Dr Paul Royall, Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, King's College LondonDr Paul G. Royall is a Senior Lecturer in Pharmaceutics at King’s College London. His research focuses on the use of materials science for the development of new dosage forms, especially freeze-dried and amorphous formulations to be administered via the oral route. He has a BSc Hons and a PhD from the University of Kent at Canterbury and served as a committee member for the Thermal Methods Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Title: Medicines Delivery by drone: Developing approaches that model the impact of flight on drug stabilityAbstractUncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones were original developed for military and photographic purposes. In recent years however, many innovative projects have investigated whether drones may benefit medicine supply chains and medical logistics. Drones are small, manoeuvrable and may be autonomously operated and therefore may have a role in the delivery of medicines and medical products to geographically challenging locations or when human contact is to be avoided.
Whilst a large amount of research has been dedicated to aeronautical engineering and safety systems, there is a lack of thorough investigation of the impact of flight on the stability of the medicines and the medical products transported.
Dr Royall will review his recent work with Dr Courtney concerning developing new approaches to the testing of drone flown medicines and also modelling the sometimes-extreme environments that medicines may encounter during drone transportation.
The aim of the talk is to inspire earlier career pharmaceutical scientists and post-grad researchers that there are exciting opportunities for analysts by using the recent developments in medicines logistics and drones as an interesting example.
Dr Paul Royall - King's College London